Saturday, January 16, 2021

Chernobyl USA


"Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid.”

Take notice that so many now are talking about "taking personal responsibility" and "this is not America". Yes it is, and no one is. This administration. Past administrations. Congress. Media. Republicans. Democrats. Me. You. Everyone is to blame except, apparently, the mouths attached to accusations. 

Let me be VERY CLEAR. I'm a progressive who moved to Canada in February of 2017 and I think those involved in the Capitol Riots should all be charged with sedition. With that said....

I'm afraid we'll learn nothing from this disgusting insurrection. Although they are, as a group & individuals, embarrassing traitors. This event was the over boiled display of our collective attitudes/actions from the last 19 years, at least. 

Fuck all these congressmen/women, governors and civil leaders now preaching unity. Since 2001, these masquerades have been spewing their partisan hackery to abuse pain for power. And only now in the face of violence are they giving speeches about "our strength together". 

They have all been participating in the segregation of my country through donation drives. Partitioning citizens into two colors with media amplifiers. A toxic duopoly melting down in front of an entire audience of screaming lips and pointing fingers. Many are saying now after they stormed the Capitol "we are the UNITED States of America". Fuck your "unity now".  Fuck your piety in the face of violence. This whole country is rotten and refuses to face the truth of its putrid source called out by our 1st & 2nd Presidents: 

“The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism.” 
- George Washington 

“...a division of the republic into two great parties … is to be dreaded as the great political evil.”- John Adams, 

This insurrection was built upon a faulty foundation and these two Parties were the foreman. So when we got a parasitic demi God like Trump who shows an on edge, desperate populous an easy avenue to stream their bile, we took it. We all took it. Both sides, supporters and detractors.

On the right, he vocalized the frustrations of a forgotten working class left out to dry from neo liberal corporate bargains, endless military pursuits & a government poisoned into paralysis. On the left, he symbolized the systems of hatred and oppression that have vilified "the other". The multinational corporations that have abused workers. And the officials who distorted, gerrymandered and corrupted an entire political system to benefit a tiny percentage of citizens. The arguments where varied but the opportunity to steer into this melt down was all the same.

I watched a program on the Chernobyl melt down 1 day before the Capitol riots and it was very eerie how perfect an analogy that event is to my home country. I saw Trump as the "operatorial error". He was the crew chief at the button of this reactor melt down, most responsible as the 'senor official on duty'. However, the two party system (who care more about their own power than the good of the country) has always been the factory itself with its faulty coolant systems. The system itself, just sitting there. With this built in flaw waiting for someone to either recognize the issue and remedy the catastrophe. Or, as we did, trigger the meltdown that had no ability to cool down the reactions.  And then there is us. EVERY U.S.CITIZEN! WE are the dumbass crew who, manning the reactor in ignorance, were either squabbling with one another or following blind incompetence into the abyss. We continued to pressurize the containment unit way past capacity then when it needed to be cooled down the broken system did what it was built to do, fail.  Everyone involved in Chernobyl becoming an untouchable wasteland, was to blame for Chernobyl. We need to recognize the same.

Its chaos from neglect. When problems are constructed through a timeline of vanity on a bedrock of greed, WE are to blame. Not them. Not they. Us. All of us. Top to bottom. Bottom to top. The architects, foremen & craftsmen of our own Armageddon. Every uncompromising sentiment or false statement and purposeful lie. All in the name of partisanship. They were all a hammer to a nail. Partisan hate, fertilized by the most toxic of American traits, "victory". Victory at all costs! The prevailing noxious cloud of winners vs loosers dictating our every move. All of us more concerned with being right than we were about looking for the right answer. Never allowing ourselves to listen because the only way to get ahead is by being heard. So we do whatever necessary to be heard. To win. 

Trump is/was a dictator without the leveled paved road he wanted towards the totality he sought (thank God), but don't be mistaken. The road may not be there but all the trees are felled. All the rocks are cleared and the grass was cut for him. We allowed the worst of our characters to destroy our empathy for one another. We watched as those greedy for power/ratings/money sowed suspicion towards the moral traits of compromise and collaboration. We've been divided not by ideals but on our emotions. We let people we've never met tell us how to feel about those we call neighbors. All in the pursuit of winning.

"We the People", are a nation of hypocrites unable to self examine in order to diagnose our own illness. Our decrepit inability to simply say "Fuck! I'm wrong and should listen more" has withered our nation into what we just saw. 

Our 1st amendment gives us the RIGHT to free speech but our nationality obligates us the DUTY to freely listen. 

Yet here I am... the largest hypocritic of all. King of this retaliatory Republic. Sitting here self righteously typing as a dyslexic elocutionist (who used a thesaurus twice), in a foreign land, preaching online about 'the corrosive evils" of the very thing I'm here participating in.

We proud people. Disintegrating in this Chernobyl we've constructed. Im just as irradiated as all of you.....

So fuck it! Cheers! Here is too my homeland. My fellow Chernobyl-men & women. Witness our brightly, burning, deadly, destructive mess. We all, now blinded by our own glowing brilliance, allowed our hubris to shine so we could now blame the entire world around us as WE melt down into it.